
Publications in reversed chronological order.


  1. Enhancing Hyper-To-Real Space Projections Through Euclidean Norm Meta-Heuristic Optimization
    Ribeiro, L., Roder, M., Rosa, G., Passos, L., and Papa, J.
    In 25th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition 2021


  1. O^2PF: Oversampling via Optimum-Path Forest for Breast Cancer Detection
    Passos, L., Jodas, D., Ribeiro, L., Moreira, T., and Papa, J.
    In 2020 IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS) 2020
  2. A Layer-Wise Information Reinforcement Approach to Improve Learning in Deep Belief Networks
    Roder, Mateus, Passos, Leandro A., Ribeiro, Luiz Carlos Felix, Pereira, Clayton, and Papa, João Paulo
    In Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 2020
  3. Intestinal Parasites Classification Using Deep Belief Networks
    Roder, Mateus, Passos, Leandro A., Ribeiro, Luiz Carlos Felix, Benato, Barbara Caroline, Falcão, Alexandre Xavier, and Papa, João Paulo
    In Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 2020
  4. Evolving Neural Conditional Random Fields for drilling report classification
    Ribeiro, Luiz C.F., Afonso, Luis C.S., Colombo, Danilo, Guilherme, Ivan R., and Papa, João P.
    Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2020


  1. Bag of Samplings for computer-assisted Parkinson’s disease diagnosis based on Recurrent Neural Networks
    Ribeiro, Luiz C.F., Afonso, Luis C.S., and Papa, João P.
    Computers in Biology and Medicine 2019
  2. Discovering Patterns within the Drilling Reports using Artificial Intelligence for Operation Monitoring
    Colombo, Danilo, Pedronette, Daniel Carlos Guimarães, Guilherme, Ivan Rizzo, Papa, João Paulo, Ribeiro, Luiz Carlos Felix, Sugi Afonso, Luis Claudio, Presotto, João Gabriel Camacho, and Sousa, Gustavo José


  1. Unsupervised Dialogue Act Classification with Optimum-Path Forest
    Ribeiro, L. C. F., and Papa, J. P.
    In 2018 31st SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI) 2018